September 30, 2016


Surrey County Council has worked with partners to launch the Surrey Community Resilience Partnership. The partnership will help communities build resilience and protect homes under the Surrey Prepared initiative.

They have produced a booklet of tips and advice to help Surrey residents prepare for flooding and stay safe.

Unfortunately flooding can and does happen in Surrey – in 2013 the army were called in to help after a national incident was declared.That’s why we’ve put together these tips and pieces of advice to help you prepare for flooding and also cope as well as possible if it happens.

You can download your be prepared for flooding guide here

They have also designed a short guide on how to be prepared for local emergencies, encouraging household resilience.

You can download your how to be prepared booklet here

Surrey Prepared is also all about stronger communities and encouraging people to work together to plan and prepare for potential emergencies. We call this ‘community resilience’, and any individual or group can be part of it. All you need to do is:

  • Check if a local group already has a plan – parish councils and residents associations often do.
  • If so, join up with them
  • If not, start your own with willing volunteers.
  • Complete a Community Emergency Plan (DOC)